A Study on the History - Philosophical Consideration of Hegel about the World History of Physical Education 체육철학 : 세계체육사(世界體育史)에 대(對)한 헤겔의 역사철학적(歷史哲學的) 고찰(考察)
36(2) 9-19, 1997
A Study on the History - Philosophical Consideration of Hegel about the World History of Physical Education 체육철학 : 세계체육사(世界體育史)에 대(對)한 헤겔의 역사철학적(歷史哲學的) 고찰(考察)
I got these results in this study with purpose for search Logos of the world history of physical education, namely the absoluteness-spirit in the core of the world history of physical education based upon the Hegel’s history-philosophical thought, as follow.
Hegel was the greatest philosopher in modern. He emphasized "the history was demonstrated by a fact, but it not a passive reception", with insist on the history burst in the history. He had the thought that the historical actuality and the historycial knowledge equal in time and in character. And then, He insisted that the history was an actual being of spirit in manifest itself among the natural world, the human history and the human’s deed. He made use of the dialectic for comprehend of it. He emphasized that these a fallacy or a inconsistency in the history not depressed of the history, but the motive power completed the righteousness or the sum.
I divided the longitudinal inquiry and the horizontal inquiry the Hegel’s history-philosophy in the methodology, the former was the developmental process of human’s freedom-possession, the latter divided the fundamental history(die urspru¨nglich Gesehichte), the reflection history(die reflektierte Geschichte), the philosophical history(die philosophische Geschichte), and then explained. This study grafted the historical thought presented for third time together the world history of physical education, and then, I seek for a new meaning and value of the history of physical education. Because the Hegel’s history-philosophical thought taken hope that we could sought these values of new dimension in materials of the history of physical education got by all these fact and events in the historical process.
I selected two among these times, after consider with based the thinking nous of the history-philosophical thought presented by Hegel on the world history of physical education, these are the greece age and the modern’s Olympism. Because I decided that these, two field had a surplus strength could be the core body of physical education.
I understood that the excellence-conception of the Greeks different from other age it essentially, after had thought of the Greece age. The excellence-conception of them not pursued after the human competition, but the God’s capability, and this conception of excellence have being the root and trunk. But I thought that it in sport became weakened by more emphasized the world-wide peace and participation relatively according to international condition, at that time the rebirth of the modem Olympic game. For that reason, I insist that the core of Olympism must be priority an athletic meeting conceptually, also being based on sportsmanship in the best effort for victory, Here, I thought that the real freedom-spirit by it, ultimately, this spirit contributed to the human peace more intensely.
Therefore, this the history of physical education immanented Olympism was the core body and the starting point of sport-spirit, for that reason, also the history of physical education-absoluteness spirit must be thesis with "a nature of excellence"
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Essential Elements of Sports Aesthetic 체육철학 : 스포츠 심미현상의 본질적 양면성 : 스포츠의 맛과 멋
36(2) 20-26, 1997
Essential Elements of Sports Aesthetic 체육철학 : 스포츠 심미현상의 본질적 양면성 : 스포츠의 맛과 멋
Human being seek to four values of truth, Aesthetic, goodness, holy. The truth is a subject of academic and the aesthetic is a subject of Aesthetics. and the goodness is a subject of ethics and the holy is subject of theology. This study relate to sports aesthetic phenomenon. Essential elements of sports aesthetic consist of aesthetic consciousness of subject and objectively existing Aesthetic object and creative aesthetic through physical activity.
Human life undergo a process clothing, food, house this represent two word taste and fascinate. The taste seek to food, while the fascinate seek to clothing and house consequently the terms of both taste and fascinate are implication of human being hope.
sport culture permeate every life. our life dependent on sport news, sports TV, conversation with sports, therefor sport couture significant with our life-world sport takes place in social setting and has a profound influence on the social life of large numbers of all age.
The purpose of this study is to insight into sports aesthetic. I insight sport phenomenon. The essential elements of sport consist of both sports taste(맛) and sports fascination(멋). Here sports taste is sight sport and sports fascination is performance sport. Now I think that sport unbalance both of sports taste(맛) and sports fascination(멋) will make sport collapse. therefore I consider sports balance of sports taste(맛) and sports fascination(멋) as ideal sport.
From historical research in Rome and Athen, the Athen enjoyed balance sports aesthetic all like of sports taste and sports fascination while the Rome was didn`t enjoyed balance sports aesthetic of sports taste and sports fascination.
I gained that sports unbalance both of sports taste and sports fascination can make sport collapse, so I think that sport will develop in balance both of sports taste and sports fascination. Therefor the natural sport aesthetic is balance of both sport taste and sports fascination, this is pursuit purpose of sports prosperity.
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A Study on the Philosophy of a Human Body in Yang - ming Hsueh 체육철학 : 양명학(陽明學)의 신체사상(身體思想)에 관한 연구(硏究)
36(2) 27-40, 1997
A Study on the Philosophy of a Human Body in Yang - ming Hsueh 체육철학 : 양명학(陽明學)의 신체사상(身體思想)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The philosophy of a human body in Yang-ming hsu¨eh could be found in Chi-hsing ho-i(知行合一) or the unity of knowledge and practice. The self, which was confirmed as the subject of the universe by means of Liang-chih(良知), was not only the subject of the universe by menas of Liang-chih, was not only the subject for perception and thinking but that of the body and the performance. Chi-hsing couldn’t be separated because it was constructed on the basis of the consistent relationship between Liang-chih and the practice. The practice [the movement of the body] was explained as the judging work of Liang-chih and the study of Liang-chih was explained as the practing work of Hsing(行).
In T’i-yong-siang-chi(體用相卽) or the mutual relation between the original substance and the changable substance, the philosophy of a human body could be shown as a formula like T’i = Yong = Hsin = Hsan. That formula could include various philosophies of a human body such as dualism, monism, synthetism, unifism. From that standpoint, the linguistic usage of body-mind and mind-body could be taken away. Then, the human body in Yang-ming hsu¨eh (陽明學) was the thing interacting with the universe in a relation between the human being and the universe or the human being and the nature.
For the future society in the 21st century, the physical education should find the the way solving today’s problems that resulted from the rapid scientific civilization such as the weakness of the body, the loss of humanity, the alination of human beings. So, the task of physical education was to reconstruct the meaning of a human body and to emphasize the importance of a human body. Then, the philosophy of a human body in Yang-ming hsu¨eh could be a proposal for the 21st society. Although there was the mainstream of the philosophy of physical education based on the Western philosophy, this study tried to find the existential Hsin-hsan kuan(心身觀) in the Oriental philosophy and to prepare the 21st century’s philosophy of a human body.
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A Study on the Sport Ideology of Korean Society (Ⅱ) 스포츠 사회학 : 한국사회(韓國社會)의 스포츠이데올로기에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅱ) - 군사정권기(軍事政權期)의 미디어스포츠를 중심(中心)으로
36(2) 43-58, 1997
A Study on the Sport Ideology of Korean Society (Ⅱ) 스포츠 사회학 : 한국사회(韓國社會)의 스포츠이데올로기에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅱ) - 군사정권기(軍事政權期)의 미디어스포츠를 중심(中心)으로
The combination of Sports and Mass Media in Korea is significantly influential in the political aspect, and it is considered that such combination best displays the ideological character of Korean Sports.
As Korean Sports, being strenthened by the government’s support, have grown up so amazingly and performed its ideological function, since mass media also have grown up with the government’s control and special favor, it is considered that mass media have shown the tone of an argument which is critical and aggresive against the ideologies opposing the state’s ruling ideology, thereby taking its position in Korean Society by means of such combination with the state’s power. And by the way, Korean mass media showed such a tendency.
Thus, a finding in this study is that the reflection of the ruling ideology of Korean media sports which continues from 1970s to 1980s had taken a role to guarantee the justification of the state’s ruling power through the propagation of the state’s ideology of Anti-Communication, Stability, and Development for "Superior Position against the North" and "Structural Stability".
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A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Cultural Geography and a Type of Sport 스포츠 사회학 : 문화지리학적 특성과 스포츠 유형에 관한 비교 연구
36(2) 59-70, 1997
A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Cultural Geography and a Type of Sport 스포츠 사회학 : 문화지리학적 특성과 스포츠 유형에 관한 비교 연구
Classifying the 97 countries that had ever won a medal in the Olympic games that is held in summer since the first Olympic games in 1896 by language, religion, race which are primary factors of the cultural geography, comparing and analyzing the medal which belong to whether skill sport, conquest sport or combat sport, I came to the following conclusion.
I) Culture Realm and Spots
Athletes who are from West Europe Culture Realm show high rates of medal acquisition in conquest sport. Athletes who are from East Europe Culture Realm show high rates of medal acquisition in combat sport. Athletes who are from Anglo America Culture Realm show high rates of medal acquisition in skill sport. Athletes who are from Latin America Culture Realm and Arab Moslem Dry Culture Realm represent high rates of medal acquisition in combat sport rather than skill sport and conquest sport Athletes who are from China Culture Realm show high rates of medal acquisition in skill sport and combat sport Athletes who are from Australia Culture Realm represent high potentials of medal acquisition in conquest sport and skill sport.
2) Religion and Sports
Athletes who are from Christian region show high rates of medal acquisition in conquest sport. Athletes who are from Buddhistic region relatively show high rates of medal acquisition in combat sport and skill sport. Athletes who are from Islamic region represent high rates of medal acquisition in combat sport rather than skill sport and conquest sport.
3) Language and Sports
Indo-European language family show high rates of medal acquisition in conquest sport. Ural-Altaic language family show high rates of medal acquisition in skill sport. China-Tibete language family represent high rates of medal acquisition in skill sport rather than conquest sport and combat sport.
4) Race and Sports
The Caucasian race show high rates of medal acquisition in conquest sport rather than the other sports. The Mongolian race show high rates of medal acquisition in combat sport and skill sport. The Mixed blood race represent high potentials of medal acquision in combat sport rather than skill sport and conquest sport.
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The Relationship between Life Sports Participation and Social Network 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 사회조직망의 관계
36(2) 71-85, 1997
The Relationship between Life Sports Participation and Social Network 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 사회조직망의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between life sports participation and social network.
For the purpose of this study, a social network was viewed as person centered and comprised of numerous characteristics along three broad dimensions : structure, interaction, and functions.
800 adults were selected using a stratified cluster random sampling method. Finally 643 adults(323 life sports participants and 320 non-participants) were used as subjects for collecting data.
Social network was measured by the questionnaire based on Israel, Hogue, & Gorton(1980) and Mitchell & Trickett(1980). Multiple classification analysis, ancova multiple regression, and paired t-test methods were used in order to test the each hypothesis.
On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. There was no significant difference in all social network’s dimensions between life sports participants and non-participants.
2. There was no significant difference in all social network’s dimensions according to types of life sports participation.
3. There was a positive relationship between the duration and intensity of life sports participation and social network’s size and density.
4. There was a significant difference between social network through life sports participation and daily it. The former had lower characteristics than the latter in all social network’s dimensions.
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The Influence of Sport Activity on the Indivisual Consciousness in Community 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 활동이 지역공동체 의식형성의 개인적 측면에 미치는 영향
36(2) 86-97, 1997
The Influence of Sport Activity on the Indivisual Consciousness in Community 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 활동이 지역공동체 의식형성의 개인적 측면에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors for the formation of community consciousness, such as psychological aspect, value, degree of common purpose, and sense of trust, based on the degree and extent that community residents directly or indirectly engage in sports activities.
Data were collected from 480 residents in Cheonan whose age range 19 to 65 using the random sampling. Self-administration method was used. Using the SPSS/PC^+ statistical package, Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression, and Path Analysis were used to analyze date.
Results were as follows:
1. Participation in sports activity directly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of psychological aspects.
2. Participation in sports activity indirectly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of individual`s psychological aspects through developing attitude.
3. Participation in sports activity indirectly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of individual`s psychological aspect through developing of attitude and formation of social consciousness.
4. Conditions for sports activity directly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of individual`s psychological aspects through developing attitude.
5. Conditions for sports activity indirectly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of individual`s psychological aspects through developing attitude and formation of social consciousness.
6. Conditions for sports activity indirectly have a positive affect on the formation of community consciousness in terms of individual`s psychological aspects through the formation of social consciousness.
The results suggest that in individual`s aspects participation sports activity which identify people with their community makes them feel member of community and cultivates individual.
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The Lifestyle of the Leisure Sports Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 성과 연령에 따른 생활양식의 차이
36(2) 98-104, 1997
The Lifestyle of the Leisure Sports Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 성과 연령에 따른 생활양식의 차이
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in life style of leisure sport participants. In order to meet the purpose of this research, two research hypothesis were selected. First, what life style by gender was difference and second, what life style by age was difference. The subjects of this study were selected 1131 males and females who ranged in age from 20 to over 50 years in leisure sport participated. SPSS/PC+ package was used for data analysis and statistical technique to analyze the data were ANOVA and ANCOVA.
The major findings obtained from this study were as follows :
First, life style by gender was positive male than female in life style difference. Gender in ANCOVA was significant difference and main effect controled covariance was significant difference in 9 factor among 10 subfactor whereas was no significant difference in nihility factor. Second, life style by age was decrease according to age increasing. Age in ANCOVA way significant difference and main effect controled covariance was significant difference in 9 factor among 10 subfactor whereas was no significant difference in achievement factor.
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Sport and Environment 스포츠 사회학 : 현대 스포츠와 환경 - 환경사회학적 변인을 중심으로 -
36(2) 105-119, 1997
Sport and Environment 스포츠 사회학 : 현대 스포츠와 환경 - 환경사회학적 변인을 중심으로 -
This study is to discuss the relationship between sports and growth, population, social change and international problem, the main issues of the environmental sociology which has paid attention to the relation between society and environment.
It’s focused to the sports development and environment in the aspect of growth, sports and oldness in population, sports and the trend toward nuclear families in social change, and finally sports and globalization in international problems.
The main concerns of sociology can lie expressed to the following points: the problems of environment in sport, the problems of environment in nature focused on the destruction and damage of ecology, and the problems of social environment focused on the social system, class, population, culture, institution, mass communication, politics and economy.
Then, the discussion on sports and social environment can not be meaningful because the contents of sports sociology were related to a lot of variables of sports environment. This study was going to describe to the relationships between sports and the variables raised by the important issues in environmental sociology. In this study, the discussion of the relation between sports and environment was concerned about not emphasizing the practical aspects for the academic development but suggesting the problems of sports and environment society in real society.
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A Study of the Development of Stress Scale and the Correlations between Mediator and Result Variables of Stress in Pro - Baseball Players 스포츠 심리학 : 프로야구 선수들의 스트레스척도 개발과 스트레스 중재변인 및 결과 변인간의 상관분석
이계윤KyeYunLee , 이종목ChongMokLee , 김승철SengCheulKim
36(2) 123-139, 1997
A Study of the Development of Stress Scale and the Correlations between Mediator and Result Variables of Stress in Pro - Baseball Players 스포츠 심리학 : 프로야구 선수들의 스트레스척도 개발과 스트레스 중재변인 및 결과 변인간의 상관분석
이계윤KyeYunLee , 이종목ChongMokLee , 김승철SengCheulKim
The purpose of this study is to make the stress scale by extracting the pro-baseball player’ stressor and to analyze the correlations between mediator variables and result variables concerned with their stress. The subjects are 162 pro-baseball players. To achieve the first purpose of this study, three steps of processes are made as follows: (a) we collected the factors of stress from literatures and researches; b) we interviewed Haitai professional baseball players in terms of their positions; and (c) we asked the expert scholars to examine the 136 stressors and gained their reliability and content validity from them. The scale used in this study is composed of 4 subfactors which have 23 items. The 4 subfactors are named competitive. stress, performance stress, social-environment stress, and athlete support stress.
In the analysis of correlations, there are significant correlations between A type’s performance stress and athlete support stress; significant correlations between social support and competitive stress, and team members’ social support; positive correlations between the performance stress and parents’ team members’, and spouses’ social support.
There are significant correlations between the strain and anxiety, depression, and hostility; significant correlations between athlete support stress and somatization, anxiety, depression, and hositility.
There are significantly negative correlations between competitive stress and players’ satisfaction with coaches, managers, and support of athletes; correlations between performance stress and players’ stress from coaches and management; correlations between social-environment stress and stress from team colleagues, administration of team, athlete support stress, and supporting athletes.
In the analysis of the stepwise regression, there are A/B type and copy predicting the strain and somatization, and they explain 20.2% of them. There are social support, A/B type, and stress predicting the satisfaction, and they explain 19.4% of it. There are A/B type and social support predicting the copy, and they explain 38.6% of it.
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Kinematic Information Feedback for Learning Gymnatics Skill 스포츠 심리학 : 체조 기술학습을 위한 영상매체 프로그램 개발 연구
이용인YoungInLee , 김동건DongKunKim
36(2) 140-153, 1997
Kinematic Information Feedback for Learning Gymnatics Skill 스포츠 심리학 : 체조 기술학습을 위한 영상매체 프로그램 개발 연구
이용인YoungInLee , 김동건DongKunKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Kinematic information Feedback on learning gymnatics skill. The forty subjects were intentionally assigned to 4 different conditions groups : 10 involved in KR group(experimental group 1), 10 involved in KP group(experimental group 2), 10 involved in KP+Cue group(experimental group 3) and 10 involved in KP+Cue group(experimental group 3). Each experimental group participated in kinematic information feedback program for 10 trail. The experimental task was bowling performance. The experimental instruments were imagery practice program A, B and self-efficacy questionnaires. The imagery practice program A suitable for bowling was comprised of the whole body movement, the upper body movement, the lower body movement, the computerized movement, and striking, movement. The imagery practice Program B suitable for bowling was comprised sof general instructions. ANOVA was conducted to test the data.
The conclusions are as followings :
1. The imagery practice program has an affirmative influence upon performance.
2. The imagery practice program has an influence upon self-efficacy
3. The imagery practice program has an influence upon performance and self-efficacy
4. The imagery practice program has an influence upon exercise participation motivation and continuous motivation.
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Changes of Plasma CPK, LDH Activities and LDH Isozymes before and after Short - and Long Triathlone Competition 스포츠 생리학 : 철인3종경기의 Royale 과 King Course 시합 전 · 후 혈장 크레아틴인산효소, 젖산탈수소효소 활성도 및 젖산탈수소 동위효소의 변화
김학렬HagLyeolKim , 조현철HyunChulCho
36(2) 157-167, 1997
Changes of Plasma CPK, LDH Activities and LDH Isozymes before and after Short - and Long Triathlone Competition 스포츠 생리학 : 철인3종경기의 Royale 과 King Course 시합 전 · 후 혈장 크레아틴인산효소, 젖산탈수소효소 활성도 및 젖산탈수소 동위효소의 변화
김학렬HagLyeolKim , 조현철HyunChulCho
Numerous studies have been done m an attempt to characterize the triathlete.
The purpose of this study was to identify a changes of plasma CPK, LDH and LDH isozymes(H-& M-specific type) before and after royale(Swim 1.5 km, Bike 40 km, Run 10 km) and king(Swim 3 km, Bike 180 km, Run 42.195km)course competition of triathletes participated to '‘93 CHHJU INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON CHAMPIONSHIP KOREA’.
Twenty male triathletes(royal, n=9; king, n=11) 》were volunteered as subjects of this study.
Significant rises were noted in plasma CPK and LDH activities after both forms of triathlone competition, compared to rest vaiues(royale: CPK p<0,001, LDH p<0.001; king: CPK p<0.01, ,LDH p<0.00l). However, No significant changes was found between both triathlone competition types. Significant (p<0.001) increase in M- specific type were observed after royale course competition. Simultaneously H-specific type (p<0,001) decreased as well as the H/M subunit ratio (p<0.01). No significant was observed after king course competition.
As this results, significant difference was observed between both competition types.
This results suggests that royale triathlon competition was a much greater physiological stress than king course competition.
Key Words
Triathlone, CPK, LDH, LDH isozymes
Effects of Maximal Running and Sauna on Serum Zinc Concentration 스포츠 생리학 : 운동 수행이 혈청 아연 농도에 미치는 영향
Zinc, copper, iron and manganese were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry in blood samples obtained in 17 healthy adult subjects during exercise and sauna. Body weight and percent body fat decreased significantly after exercise and sauna(p <.05). Hematocrit and hemoglobin decreased after exercise but, on the contrary, increased after sauna. The concentration of serum zinc decreased after exercise and, sauna, but it decreased after sauna more than did after exercise(P.<05). The concentration of serum manganese decreased significantly after exercise(P.<05). The data indicate that sufficient zinc intake may be needed for elite athletes because they lose a lot of sweat by hard training.
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Relation of waist - hip ratio to CVD risk factors in Korean males 스포츠 생리학 : 허리둘레/엉덩이둘레 비와 순환기질환 위험요인과의 관계
36(2) 176-183, 1997
Relation of waist - hip ratio to CVD risk factors in Korean males 스포츠 생리학 : 허리둘레/엉덩이둘레 비와 순환기질환 위험요인과의 관계
To investigate the association between adipose tissue distribution, waist-hip ratio (WHR), and metabolic profiles in 434 male officials aged 23-68 years in Korea. Anthropometric profiles, serum lipid and lipoproteins, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), and GPT were measured. We found that the body mass index (BMI) reasonably well correlated with the WHR (r=.693, p < .001), which may be related to the health risk profile. The WHR showed significant negative correlation with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and HDLC/TC levels (p < 01), and positive correlation with triglyceride (TG) (p<.05) and blood glucose (BG) (p <.05) levels and SBP (p <.01) and DBP (p <.01). The results showed significant differences in the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors between WHR<.85 and WHR≥.95 groups. Mean body weight, %fat, SBP and DBP were remarkably higher in ≥.95 than in ≤.85 group (p <.05). Also in ≥.95 group, concentrations of TC and LDLC in serum were significantly higher than in the ≤.85 group. These results suggest that WHR would be a superior indicator in CVD screening and the tentative limits for examination for complications are WHR above .95.
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The Changes of Esophageal Motility and Gastroesophageal Reflux on 70% maxHR Running 스포츠 생리학 : 최대심박수 70% 달리기 운동이 식도운동과 위산역류에 미치는 영향
36(2) 184-190, 1997
The Changes of Esophageal Motility and Gastroesophageal Reflux on 70% maxHR Running 스포츠 생리학 : 최대심박수 70% 달리기 운동이 식도운동과 위산역류에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to examine 15 normal healthy males(age;28±5years, BW;68±10Kg) with out esophageal disease after 30 minutes on the treadmill at 70% maximal heart rate Running.
The major results are as follows:
1. At 70% maximal heart rate on the treadmill running decrease the frequency ofesophageal contraction was 83%(P<.01), peristaltic contraction;l7%(P<.01), repititive contraction;44%(P<.01).
2. At 70% maximal heart rate on the treadmill running decrease 15㎝ on lower esophageal sphincter was 25%P<.01), 10cm on lower esophageal sphincter;28% (P<.01).
3. Gastroesophageal reflux was not change on 70% maximal heart rate on the treadmill running.
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The Effects of Regular Exercise on Plastma Lipoprotein Metabolism 스포츠 생리학 : 지속적인 훈련이 지단백 대사반응에 미치는 영향
36(2) 191-204, 1997
The Effects of Regular Exercise on Plastma Lipoprotein Metabolism 스포츠 생리학 : 지속적인 훈련이 지단백 대사반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of regular exercise in different modes on plasma lipoprotein metabolism responses in a control group(n=10), a walking group(n=10), and a jogging group(n=10). The two groups (walking, jogging) took walking and jogging exercise for 13 weeks. The untrained female students enrolled in K Junior College volunteered to participate in this study.
Plasma total-cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, apolipoprotein-A, and apolipoprotein-B levels of lipids were analyzed at rest. Statistical evaluation of the data was accomplished using a Two-way MANOVA.
The results obtained are as follows:
1. Plasma triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and apolipoprotein-B levels during regular exercise treatments at rest were decreased significantly in the walking and jogging groups after 8 weeks. The total cholesterol level was decreased after 13 weeks but it was decreased more remarkably in the jogging group than in the walking group(p<0.05).
2. High density lipoprotain-cholesterol and apolipoprotein-A were increased significantly in the jogging group after 8 weeks. Apolipoprotein-A was increased more in the jogging group than in the walking group(p<0.05).
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The Change of Catecholamine in Optimal Recovery by Using Music Technique after Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 음악 요법이 최대 운동후 Catecholamine 에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was lo investigate the effects of music technique on the variation, of catecholamine in the recovering stage after maximal exercise. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups : the music group and the control group.
In order to analyze the variation of catecholarnine(epinephrine, norepinephrine), under 4 phase such as resting, right after Ex., 30min and 60min after Ex.
The results showed that there were significant changes in epinephrine(music & control groups, P<0.001 ; rime, P<0.001 ; music & control groups interaction, P<0, 001) and norepinephrine (music & control groups, P<0.05 : lime, P< 0.00l). T-test between music & control group were significant changes in epinephrine Si norepinephrine after 30min. recover >, (p<0.05). In conclusion, the music technique resulted as the music group was superior in decreasing epinephrine to the control group after 30min, recovery.
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Effect of Electrical Stimulation Training on the Inhibition of Muscle Contractility by Ouabain in Extensor Muscles of Hindlimb Suspended Rats 스포츠 생리학 : 후지체공 흰쥐의 신전근에서 Ouabain 의 근수축력 억제에 대한 전기자극 트레이닝의 효과
Effect of Electrical Stimulation Training on the Inhibition of Muscle Contractility by Ouabain in Extensor Muscles of Hindlimb Suspended Rats 스포츠 생리학 : 후지체공 흰쥐의 신전근에서 Ouabain 의 근수축력 억제에 대한 전기자극 트레이닝의 효과
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of electrical stimulation training on changes of Na+-K+ pump activity related to muscle fatigability in the slow twitched soleus and fast twitched plnataris muscles following disuse atrophy. Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250-300g were divided into three experimental groups : control group, hindlimb suspension group, hindlimb suspension plus electrical stimulation training group. Animals were subjected to suspend their hindlimb by tail casting-swival system. Electrical stimulation was applied into the sciatic nerve through bipolar microelectrodes for 4 hours a day during hindlimb suspension. Maximum twitch and tetanic tensions were measured by using isometric force transducer and polygraph in vitro experimental condition. Prior to recording muscle tensions, muscles in organ bath were recieved ouabain and isoproterenol in order to modulate Na+-K+ pump activity. Hindlimb suspension for 7 days induced statistically significant decrease in the muscle weight and muscle force including maximum twitch and tetanic tensions of the both soleus and plantaris muscles in comparison with these of the control group. In addition, there was significant ouabain induced maximum tension reduction in these 2 muscles of hindlimb suspension group compared with that of control group. However, electrical stimulation increased significantly mechanical properties such as muscle weight and force as well as suppresion of maximum tetanic force caused by ouabain in solues and plantaris muscles of hindlimb suspension plus electrical stimulation training group. Isoproterenol treatment after ouabian application elevated significantly maximum twitch and tetanic tension of two muscles compared with those of pretreatment but did not make significant difference of muslce forces among 3 experimental groups. In conclusion the results of this study suggest hindlimb suspension for 7 days may suppress Na+-K+ pump activity and electrical stiulation training may ameliorate the muscle atrophy and the decreased Na+-K+ pump activity of the soleus and plantaris muscle in hindlimb suspended rats.
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The Effect of Altitude and Sea Level Training an Anaerobic Capacity and Hemodynamic Response in the Korean National Alpine Skiers 스포츠 생리학 : 해수면과 고지 훈련이 국가대표 알파인 스키선수들의 무산소 대사능력 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
정용수YongSooJung , 김진해JinHeeKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
36(2) 225-234, 1997
The Effect of Altitude and Sea Level Training an Anaerobic Capacity and Hemodynamic Response in the Korean National Alpine Skiers 스포츠 생리학 : 해수면과 고지 훈련이 국가대표 알파인 스키선수들의 무산소 대사능력 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
정용수YongSooJung , 김진해JinHeeKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of altitude and sea level training on heart rate, anaerobic power outputs and blood lactate concentration as well as LDH activity. Additionally, for the evaluation of hemotological responses, RBC, Hb and Hct assessed.
3 male subjects (age 20±2.1yr, weight 80.13±6.8㎏) classified as the altitude training(AT) group were recruited from the Korean national alpine ski team and trained at the altitude of 2,700-3,500m in Tignes, France for 5wks. 4 male subjects (age 20±0.6yr, weight 68±10.4㎏) from the varsity alpine ski team classified as the sea level training(ST) group served as control group and trained at sea level for the same period of time. All subjects are top level competitive alpine skiers.
An increase in mean power output (p<0.05), peak power output and LBH activity(p<0.05) after a 5wk period of training were found in both groups, whereas a decrease was found in blood lactate concentration in both AT and ST group. Between the two groups, there is a significant difference only in mean power output and peak power output (p<0.05) On hemotological analysis, RBC, Hb and Hct were increased in the AT group by about 12%, but no alteration occurred in the ST group. Between the groups, only a significant difference in Hb and Hct was found(p<0.05). However, no significant changes occurred in terms of the heart rate.
The present study suggested that an improvement in short-term exercise performance after a 5wk period of training at altitude may be influenced by anaerobic power outputs, LDH activity and oxygen delivery capacity.
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The Effect of Regular Aerobic Exerise on Physical Fitness, Performance, and Blood Lipids Level in Middle Aged Women 스포츠 생리학 : 규칙적인 유산소성 운동이 체력, 운동수행력 및 혈중 지질 수준에 미치는 영향
36(2) 235-247, 1997
The Effect of Regular Aerobic Exerise on Physical Fitness, Performance, and Blood Lipids Level in Middle Aged Women 스포츠 생리학 : 규칙적인 유산소성 운동이 체력, 운동수행력 및 혈중 지질 수준에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of aerobic exercise on physical fitness, performance, and blood lipids level in middle women. The research subjects included 18 women at the age of thirties and fourties. They were allocated into 2 groups; aerobic dance groups(n=10) and control group(n=8). Aerobic dance group members were selected from females participating in aerobic dance group program in order to improve health conditions.
To collect data, dance group members were observed while they were regularly doing aerobic exercises in the 8 weeks` program. They were allowed to do aerobic exercises with COMBI(Computonic Aerobic 800, Japan), for 12 minutes. The strength of COMBI was arranged to start from 0 Watt and reach at 150 Watt by increasing 25 Watt every 2 minutes. Its pedaling speed was also arranged at 50rpm.
The results of analyses showed that aerobic exercises could have significant impacts on physical fitness, Performance, and blood lipids level. First of all, it was found that dance group members could reduce their body fat(p<.05) as they continued aerobic exercises. It was also identified that in a group comparison conducted at the 8th week, dance group members showed a significantly lower level of body fat as compared to control group members.
Second, it was found that as aerobic exercise continued, dance group members were able to improve their body strength related to sit-up, flexion, long jump, and so forth(p<.05). However, there was no significant change in relation to muscular strength. It was also found that in the group comparisons conducted at 4th and 8th week, dance group members had a higher level of body strength than control group members(p<.05 and p<.01 respectively).
Third, time series comparisons conducted at 4th and 8th week showed that dance group members experienced significant improvements in terms of SBP. HR, and VO₂max. Their levels of SBP, HR, and VO₂max were gradually decreased(p<.05 and p<.01 respectively) as aerobic exercise continued. It was also found that in the group comparisons conducted at 4th week and 8th week, dance group members had a significantly lower lever of SBP, HR, and VO₂max as compared to control group member(p<.05 and p<.01 respectively).
Finally, it was showed that aerobic exercises brought forth significant changes in the blood lipids level. It was showed that dance group members reduced their T.G. level(p<.05) and increased their HDL-C level (p<.05) as they continued aerobic exercises. However, there, was no significant change in their T.G. level despite aerobic exercise. It was also found that in the group comparisons conducted at 4th week and 8th week, dance group members had significantly lower levels of T.G. and HDL-C as compared to control group members(p<.05 and p<.05 respectively).
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A Program Development for Health Improvement in Korean Old Population 스포츠 생리학 : 한국노인들의 건장증진을 위한 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to measure the physical fitness ability for the korean male and female elderly and develop the program of physical fitness for evaluating the status of physical fitness for themselves. The subjects used for this study were consisted of 3 groups the young elderly aged 60-64years the middle aged 65-69years. The old elderly over 70years. The total numbers of subject were and 194 male and 269 female subjects. Scheffe test was used to determine any difference among the means of each value across the 3 groups. Variables of physical fitness were grip strength, back strength, sit-ups, standing trunk flexion, closed eye foot balance and 12 minutes running. The results of anthropometric and physical fitness measurement were compared among 3 groups.
The conclusions of this study were as follows:
1. There were no significant differences in physical characteristics, grip strength for male and female subjects among 3 groups.
2. There were significant differences in one foot balance eye-closed, 12 minutes running for male and female subjects among 3 groups.
3. There were significant differences in sit-ups for male subjects, but for female subjects no differences.
4. There were no significant differences in the standing trunk flexion for male subjects, but significant differences for female subjects.
5. In mental health the male elderly had higher complaint items than the female, Generally the young elderly had higher complaint items than the middle and old elderly.
6. Mental health test, physical fitness test, Health style self test were presented in the text of article to be used for improving physical fitness status for the Korean elderly.
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A Comparative Analysis of Isokinetic Strength of between Shoulder Muscles Baseball and Handball Players 스포츠 생리학 : 야구와 핸드볼 선수의 등속성 상지근력 비교 연구
36(2) 264-271, 1997
A Comparative Analysis of Isokinetic Strength of between Shoulder Muscles Baseball and Handball Players 스포츠 생리학 : 야구와 핸드볼 선수의 등속성 상지근력 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was the comparison of the differences in the muscular strength, power, endurance and the angle of peak torque between college baseball and handball players. The assessment of isokinetic factors was in extension and flexion. Tests were performed on the Cybex 6000 isokinetic instrument.
The Muscular strengh was determined by averaging the Peak Torques of the shoulder joint with fixed position and the values of three extension at 60deg(sec and 180deg/sec. The muscular power and the endurance were measured by 26 repetitions of the shoulder flexions and the extensions at the speed of 180deg/sec.
The results of this study were as follows ;
1. The isokinetic strength of the extension of shoulder joint in baseball and handball players at the speed of 60deg/sec were 120.35±18.81% and 143.69±18.37&, respectively. But the values of handball players were not significantly higher than that of baseball players. The isokinetic strength of the extension of shoulder joint in baseball and handball players at the speed of 180deg/sec were 111.71±17.83% and 126.38±10.79%, respectively. Handball players showed significantly higher values than that of the baseball players(P<.05).
2. The isometric total works exerted from 26 repetitions of shoulder extension and flexion at the speed of 180deg/sec were 190.78±28.91J in baseball players and 227.15±14.83J in handball players. The value of the handball players were significantly higher than that of baseball players(P<.05).
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The Isokinetic Torque and EMG Pattern for Eccentric and Concentric Contration before and after Muscle Fatigue 스포츠 생리학 : 근피로 유발후 Concentric과 Eccentric 근수축시 등속성 근력 및 EMG의 변화
김형돈HyungDonKim , 유재충JaiChungYou , 윤성원SungWonYeun
36(2) 272-282, 1997
The Isokinetic Torque and EMG Pattern for Eccentric and Concentric Contration before and after Muscle Fatigue 스포츠 생리학 : 근피로 유발후 Concentric과 Eccentric 근수축시 등속성 근력 및 EMG의 변화
김형돈HyungDonKim , 유재충JaiChungYou , 윤성원SungWonYeun
The purpose of this study was to investigate peak torque, average power, total work and electromyographic activity of seven(7) adult men in relation to gastrocnemus muscle. Maximal voluntary force in plantar flexion was measured before and after muscle fatigue by using Cybex concentrically and eccentrically at 180o/sec load speed. Muscle fatigue was induced at 180o/sec load speed for 50 consecutive trials. Results of this study showed that the peak torque with the ECC was significantly higher than peak torque with CON. Average power and total work of the ECC appeared higher than those of the CON. There was no significant difference in the rate of decline in peak torque after muscle fatigue for each muscle action. Median and mean power frequency of ECC were significantly higher than those of CON. However, median and mean power frequency of CON were significantly changed after fatigue. In conclusion, it was believed that neural factors were responsible for neuromuscular adaptations to eccentric contraction.
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A Study Regarding Isokinetic Training for Wrist Strengthening of Volleyball , Basketball and Tennis Players 스포츠 생리학 : 배구, 농구, 테니스 선수들의 손목을 중심으로 한 등속성 근력에 관한 연구
최명종MyungJongChoi , 이강우KangWooLee
36(2) 283-291, 1997
A Study Regarding Isokinetic Training for Wrist Strengthening of Volleyball , Basketball and Tennis Players 스포츠 생리학 : 배구, 농구, 테니스 선수들의 손목을 중심으로 한 등속성 근력에 관한 연구
최명종MyungJongChoi , 이강우KangWooLee
The purpose of this study is to comparative analyze the wrist flexion and the exetenion peak torque, the average power and the muscle endurance during the isokinetic exercise by ballgame(volleyball, basketball, and tennis) athletes using the MERAC (Musculo skeletal Evaluation Rehabilition and Conditioning).
The nine college athletes, who are three volleyball, three basketball, and three tennis athletes, participate the designed the isokinetic exercise tasks.
The results of this study are following
1. The flexion peak torque for the right-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 29.67±7.64 N · m and the left-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 28.67±5.58 N · m, the right-wrist of the basketball athletes is 19.00±4.00 N · m and the left-wrist of the basketball athletes is 10.66±2.31 N · m, and the right-wrist of the tennis athletes is 14.33±0.58 N · m and the left-wrist of the tennis athletes is 11.33±5.86 N · m. According to this data, there is a significant difference(p<.05). The extension peak torque for the right-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 9.00±2.08 N · m and the left-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 6.67±2.52 N · m, the right-wrist of the basketball athletes is 7.33±2.31 N · m and the left-wrist of the basketball athletes is 6.33±3.06 N · m, and the right-wrist of the tennis athletes is 5.00±2.00 N · m and the left-wrist of the tennis athletes is 2.00±1.73 N · m. According to this data, there is no significant difference(p<.05).
2. The average power for the right-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 39.50±12.90 W and the left-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 32.30±13.92 W, the right-wrist of the basketball athletes is 14.04±12.92 W and the left-wrist of the basketball athletes is 9.60±4.44 W, and the right-wrist of the tennis athletes is 8.73±3.33 W and the left-wrist of the tennis athletes is 8.48±7.47 W. According to this data, there is a significant difference(p<.05). The average power for the right-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 11.67±1.75 W and the left-wrist of the volleyball athletes is 5.76±4.82 W, the right-wrist of the basketball athletes is 7.15±4.71 W and the left-wrist of the basketball athletes is 2.55±1.65 W, and the right-wrist of the tennis athletes is 4.65±3.64 W and the left-wrist of the tennis athlete is 2.20±1.24 W. According to this data, there is no significant difference(p<.05).
3. In the muscle endurance, the volleyball athletes appear to have the strongest the muscle endurance both the right and left-wrists. The basketball athletes are the second and the tennis athletes are the last.
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A Kinematic Analysis of the Instep Kick in Rugby Football 역학 : 럭비 차기동작의 운동학적 분석
홍기호KiHoHong , 강민식MinSikKang
36(2) 295-305, 1997
A Kinematic Analysis of the Instep Kick in Rugby Football 역학 : 럭비 차기동작의 운동학적 분석
홍기호KiHoHong , 강민식MinSikKang
The purpose of this paper is to identify the mechanical principles of the instep kick in rugby football through kinematic data. Five male rugby football players of Yonsei University were filmed on two 16mm Photosonic IPL High Speed Cameras. The kinematic data were obtained using the computer program which input the X
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The Relation between the Largest Leg · Arm Extensor · Flexor Muscle of a Weight Lifter and the Game Records 역학 : 역도 선수의 최대 각·완 신·굴근과 경기 기록과의 관계
이한경HanKyungLee , 안병훈ByoungHunAhn
36(2) 306-312, 1997
The Relation between the Largest Leg · Arm Extensor · Flexor Muscle of a Weight Lifter and the Game Records 역학 : 역도 선수의 최대 각·완 신·굴근과 경기 기록과의 관계
이한경HanKyungLee , 안병훈ByoungHunAhn
This study to examine the interrelation between the largest Leg Arm Extensor Flexor muscle of a weight lifter and the game records, measured the largest muscular strength of leg extensor muscle·flexor muscle, arm extensor muscle·flexor muscle, Back muscular strength and grasping power, having 21 number of weight lifters in university as the subject to get following conclusion.
1. Seeing the degree of interrelation of snatch and the left right of leg extensor·flexor muscle, in both the left and the right of leg extensor muscle a meaningful interrelation did not show, the right of leg flexor muscle showed a meaning foul interrelation and the left of leg flexor muscle showed a very high interrelation. In the degree of interrelation of snatch and the left and right of arm extensor flexor muscle, the right and left of arm extensor muscle did net show a meaningful interrelation, the right of arm flexor muscle showed a high interrelation and the left of arm flexor muscle showed a very high interrelation. In the degree of interrelation of snatch, Back muscular strength and the left and right of grasping power, the Back muscular strength showed a very high interrelation, and book the right and Ieft of grasping power showed a very high interrelation.
2. Seeing the degree of interrelation of clean and Jerk and the left·right of leg extensor·flexor muscle, the right of leg extensor muscle shower a high interrelation and the left didn`t show a meaningful interrelation the right of leg flexor muscle showed a high interrelation and the left showed a very high interrelation. In the degree of interrelation of clean and Jerk and the left·right of arm extensor·flexor muscle, both the left·right of arm extensor muscle did not show a meaningful interrelation, the right of arm flexor muscle showed a high interrelation and also the left showed a high interrelation. In the degree of interrelation of clean and Jerk Back muscle strength and the left right of grasping power, the Back muscular strength showed a high interrelation, the right of grasping power showed a high interrelation and the left of grasping power showed a very high interrelation.
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The Standards of Instructional Objectives and Learner Outcomes in the Domain of Physical Education : Focused on Dance Education in the Middle School 스포츠 교육학 : 체육교과의 영역별 교수계획 및 평가의 기준 - 중등학교 무용수업을 중심으로 -
36(2) 315-325, 1997
The Standards of Instructional Objectives and Learner Outcomes in the Domain of Physical Education : Focused on Dance Education in the Middle School 스포츠 교육학 : 체육교과의 영역별 교수계획 및 평가의 기준 - 중등학교 무용수업을 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate Content Standards and Achievement Standard of the learner outcomes based on National Standards for Dance Education of the United States. The standards are composed Grade K-4, grade, 5-8, and Grades 9-12. Individual standards should be understood as a statement of what students should know and be able to do in the dance domin of physical education.
Two different types of standards are used to guide student assessment in each of the competence areas : Content Standards specify what students should know and be able to do in the arts disciplines. Achievement Standards specify the understandings and levels of achievement that students are expected to attain in the competencies, at the completion of grades 4, 8, and 12.
The middle school students in Grades 5-8 develop a sense of themselves in relation to others and in relation to the world. As a result, they are ready to respond more thoughtfully to dance, to perceive details of style and choreographic structure, and to reflect upon what is communicated. National Standards for Dance Education depend on midway model amalgamates some of the elements of the educational and professional models. Its distinctiveness lies in the concept of the art of dance in education contributing towards artistic education, aesthetic education and cultural education. The learner outcomes and the sample instructional objectives in the guide are stated in terms of what the student will know, do, value, and create as a result of education in dance.
Dance educators must be able to make the National Standards for Dance Education of the Korea that represent broad consensus-building from a wide range of groups and individuals.
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A Study on the Problems of Physical Education Classes at Schools from the Point of View of Life - Long Sports 스포츠 교육학 : 평생체육의 관점에서 본 학교체육수업의 문제점개선을 위한 연구
36(2) 326-333, 1997
A Study on the Problems of Physical Education Classes at Schools from the Point of View of Life - Long Sports 스포츠 교육학 : 평생체육의 관점에서 본 학교체육수업의 문제점개선을 위한 연구
There are a lot of factors that contribute to the actual participation in sports after graduation. The purpose of this study is to clarify the weight of physical class in high school among such factors.
The survey was conducted among 920 collegian using the questionnaire method, and statistical techniques for data analysis were χ²-test and discriminant analysis through quantification theory II. The results of the analysis were as follows:
1. Those who had experienced interesting physical education classes at high schools have a tendency to show as attitude favorable towards sports activities.
2. This attitude sensitively affects the actual sports practice. The above results make it clear that physical education classes at high schools indirectly influences sports participation and attitude. This study suggests the need for further investigation concerning the renovation of physical education classes, particularly from the qualitative viewpoint.
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A Study on the Physical Education in the British National Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 영국 체육교육과정의 탐색
조미혜MiHyeCho , 윤명희MyungHeeYoon , 이명아MyungAhLee
36(2) 334-348, 1997
A Study on the Physical Education in the British National Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 영국 체육교육과정의 탐색
조미혜MiHyeCho , 윤명희MyungHeeYoon , 이명아MyungAhLee
The purposes of this study are 1) to provide basic materials for the revision of physical education curriculum in Korea by reviewing physical education curriculum in the British National Curriculum and 2) to examine the possibility of applying advanced physical education concepts of British differentiated curriculum to Korean curriculum.
The major British literature reviewed for the study were as follows: The National Curriculum, published by the DFE(Department for Education), Physical Education in the National Curriculum, published by the DFE(Department for Education); Physical Education in the National Curriculum, published by the JOPERD(Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance), and Physical Education and the National Curriculum published by British Journal of Physical Education.
The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows:
First, British education curriculum policy has been changing from local and teacher-centered curriculum to national curriculum under the powerful control of central government.
Second, the British physical education curriculum provides ‘programmes of study’ and ‘attaintment targer’ in every key stage.
Third, the content of physical activities has gradually decreased.
Finally, games are appeared in every key stage.
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The Relationship between the Worldcup Soccer Event and Promotion of Fund Raising for the KFA 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 월드컵축구 이벤트와 프로축구연맹의 재정 자립도 증진의 관계
36(2) 351-359, 1997
The Relationship between the Worldcup Soccer Event and Promotion of Fund Raising for the KFA 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 월드컵축구 이벤트와 프로축구연맹의 재정 자립도 증진의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factory influencing fund raising of the KFA(Korea Football Association). After 6 factors were selected (expansion of organization and facilities, increase of competition power, development of sports industrial, activation of the KFA, and promotion of fund raising), the causal model was selected. Subjects were 425 spectators who watched the evaluation match of Korea national soccer team in the Chamsil main stadium. The random sampling method was used. The path analysis through multiple regression with SPSSWIN V. 6.0 was used for data analysis. The results are as follows.
First, direct factors, such as expansion of organization and facility, increase of competition power influence indirectly on development of sports industry and activation of KFA as well as directly on fund raising.
Second, development of sports industry and activation of KFA have an affect on fund raising.
Several recommendations have been suggested to increase fund raising for KFA.
First, maximization of sponsorship and licensing, second, production of compromise program for TV right, third, souvenir production and sale, fourth, improvement of quality for event, fifth, strengthening fan service, sixth, formation of unification with mascot and song of team, seventh, provide benefits through members` program, and eighth, it is necessary more concrete plan to strengthen marketing and publicity section in the organization.
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The Strategic Marketing Model for the Amateur Sports Organizations 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 아마추어 스포츠 단계를 위한 전략적 마케팅 모델
36(2) 360-372, 1997
The Strategic Marketing Model for the Amateur Sports Organizations 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 아마추어 스포츠 단계를 위한 전략적 마케팅 모델
The purpose of this study was to identify the current situations of Korean amateur sports organizations on the use of strategic marketing and develop the strategic marketing model for the amateur sports organizations.
First, this study investigated if those organizations have mission, purpose, objectives, marketing plan and the need for the marketing plan on the written and official format. Thirty organizations of 45 official ones, one semi-official one and 15 municipal and provincial sports organizations were randomly selected. Marketing personnels or public relations personnels were interviewed by the author. All 20 ones didn`t have any official marketing plan even though they thought that they needed this plan. The reasons that they didn`t establish this plan were 1)the lack of perception for it, 2)not wanted by flue organizations. and 3)the lack of knowledge about the marketing.
Second, to develop the strategic marketing plan, the study investigated the concepts of marketing, marketing management and sport marketing, the process of marketing management, and marketing management process at the three level. On the basis of their review and applications to sport situations, the strategic marketing model for the amateur sports organizations was developed(figure 8)
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Effect of Visual Acuity on Baseball Player's Batting Average Records 체육측정평가 : 정지 및 동체시력이 야구 타율성적에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of visual acuity(SVA, DVA) on baseball player’s batting average record. Subjects for study were HY university male baseball player who were divided into two groups ; High(n=7) and Low(n=9) batting average group. The independent variables for this study were batting average record, the dependent variables were SVA, and DVA.
All data was analyzed by t-test and Pearson’s product movement correlation coefficient of SPSS PC critical level for all significance was above α=0.05.
The results were summarized as follows :
1. SVA was non significant difference among groups with athletes group showed the most highest level (p=>.05).
2. DVA was significant difference among groups with High group showed the most highest level (p< .05).
3. On both groups, relationship of SVA and DVA was showed non significant correlation (p >.05).
As a conclusion, this study can be suggested that visual acuity an very important role in baseball player. Especially, DVA of baseball player had greater effects on batting average records. Accordingly, training method of DVA provides to help coach and develop baseball training programs in field.
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The Relationship Between Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction Among Middle and High School Student 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 중 · 고등학생의 여가활동과 여가만족의 관계
윤익모IkMoYoun , 김홍설HongSeolKim , 송강영KangYoungSong
36(2) 385-398, 1997
The Relationship Between Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction Among Middle and High School Student 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 중 · 고등학생의 여가활동과 여가만족의 관계
윤익모IkMoYoun , 김홍설HongSeolKim , 송강영KangYoungSong
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure activity and leisure satisfaction among middle and high school student. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the type in leisure activity on leisure satisfaction by comparing the difference of psychological, educational, social, physiological, relaxational, and environmental satisfaction, also the correlation leisure activity participation degree and leisure satisfaction among mile and high school student.
Subjects of this study were sampled 440 the middle and high school student. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the psychological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in the psychological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Second, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the educational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in educational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sightseeing activities is the highest.
Third, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the social satisfaction. That is, there is difference in social satisfaction according to the type of the leisure activity, and social activities is the highest.
Forth, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has not an influence on the relaxational satisfaction.
Fifth, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the physiological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in relaxational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Sixth, the type of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the environmental satisfaction. That is, there is difference in environmental satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Seventh, the Degree of leisure activity among middle and high school student has an influence on the leisure satisfaction. That is, there is interval and intensity of leisure activity participation among middle and high school student has high correlation on the leisure satisfaction.
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The Change of Segmental Constraining in Ballet Movements as a Fuction of Task and Environmental Constraints with Skill Levels 무용 : 과제 및 환경속박에 따른 무용수의 기술수준별 협응구조 변화
36(2) 401-410, 1997
The Change of Segmental Constraining in Ballet Movements as a Fuction of Task and Environmental Constraints with Skill Levels 무용 : 과제 및 환경속박에 따른 무용수의 기술수준별 협응구조 변화
The purpose of this study .was to investigate the interactive effects of task and environmental constraints with skill level on the pattern of constraint in dancers` movement performance. Twelve beginning and twelve advanced level ballet dancers were seperately required to perform three different forms of ballet movement(fondu developpe devant en flat, fondu developpe devant en releve, fandu developpe devant en saute) with barre and without the barre. Measurements were made of the knee angles during plier movements in three different movements. The analysis of data collected under 2(skill level) × 3(task constraint) factorial design with repeated measures on task revealed that 1) for beginner, the angles of knee for three movements are smiliar but differences were found as a function of environmental constraints. 2) for advanced dancer, the angles of knee for three movements are quite different, and the effects of task and environmental constraints are interactive as a function of skill level at the statistically significant level. These results, taken together, were interpreted to suggest that dancers acquire an optimal constraints for movement as skill develops. Therefore, this study supported the dynamic system perspective which is based on the self-organization theory, and lent support to the proposition that the coordinated movement patterns are spontaneously organized through the dynamic activity in the system`s component elements by effective constraing of body segments.
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A Comparative Analysis of Salpurichoom and Chunaengmu - Focused on the Analytical Model of Information Quantity on Their External Structure 무용 : 살풀이춤과 춘앵무의 비교분석 - 외형적 구조에 관한 정보량 분석 모형을 중심으로
36(2) 411-418, 1997
A Comparative Analysis of Salpurichoom and Chunaengmu - Focused on the Analytical Model of Information Quantity on Their External Structure 무용 : 살풀이춤과 춘앵무의 비교분석 - 외형적 구조에 관한 정보량 분석 모형을 중심으로
This study selected as the analytical model the Salpurichoom (Han, Yung-Sook Style) which is the quintessence of the Korean folk dance and Chunaengmu which is that of the court dance.
And this study attempted to make a comparative analysis, based on the objective analytical method, of the characteristic of the dances that have been inherited and developed from the different social strata as the generally accepted works that commonly take a form of solo dance and are the masterpiece in ancient and modern times.
Therefore, as the most important key to this study, an attempt was made to identify the difference between both dance works by computing average information quantity, maximum information quantity and surplus information quantity with the kind(M) and number(N) of their syntactic information and semantic information as basic data and to make a quantitative test of the goodness of their forms through computed bit values. As a result, the method of analysis through quantification due to the clarity of its findings enabled the gestalt goodness of two styles to be identified and the style of future development to be predicted.
Based upon the study results, the following conclusion was drawn.
Firstly, the study of the styles of both folk dance and court dance, analyzed by using the comparative relative vocabulary in a qualitative method, introduced the communication theory and clearly identified their characteristic from the values of information resulting from a quantitative analysis.
Secondly, the method, therefore, came to be groped that could distinguish the good gestalt between the styles of both folk dance and court dance through quantification.
Thirdly, as the good gestalt was identified in a qualitative method, so the good form was found in the quantitative method.
Fourthly, it is possible to make a logical measurement of visually seen information quantity.
Accordingly, the quantitative analysis in making an analysis of dance works can be partly made by the analytical model, but the supplemental study of its deficient part will have to be considered so that it may apply to a diversity of fields. And the follow-up study of it will have to continue to be conducted.